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ANGST, PISS & DRID (2012) – A Short Film by Fredrik Hana [Grimmfest 2013 Review]

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Written and directed by Fredrik Hana
Screened at Grimmfest 2013

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A romantic relationship between two serial killers becomes strained throughout the years. With volatile outbursts at unpredictable moments from his partner Wenche, Kjetil decides enough is enough…

Norwegian short film ANGST, PISS & DRID, or Angst, Piss and Shit as it is known in English, is a black comedy thriller on the turbulent relationship between two psychopaths.

Falling in love at the height of their killing ways, flashbacks show the happiness between both Wench and Kjetil as they play with a severed head on the beach. However, those romantic memories are a thing of the past as now Wenche spends the majority of her time sat in squalor in their grubby apartment, serving nothing but dog food to Kjetil when he returns home for tea. With no passion in murdering anymore, she erupts into a violent temper knowing that Kjetil has been out slaying victims without her, like in some way he has cheated or betrayed their relationship by doing so.

This truly is a dark, disturbing but often darkly comedic film, shot for $5,500 in a tremendously stylish way that resembles 80′s horror and slasher movies. Even the music is full of life, a sharp contrast to the dark, sadistic nature and exploits of Kjetil and his girlfriend.

Actor Arthur Berning is quite likable as Kjetil, the suffering partner of the disgruntled Wenche, played by Maja Baaserud. He goes out to his day job of slicing up women, and when he comes home, he’s treated like a doormat by his girl who does nothing but sit on her arse on all day watching TV. You can see why he’s going to be annoyed. Of course, these are serial killer psychopaths we are talking about, but to them, killing is something they do and no matter how twisted, even they go home to have a ‘normal’ life and relationship… except for Kjetil, his relationship is far from peachy.

When you get down to the nitty gritty, ANGST, PISS & DRID is quite a slickly made short film that will appeal to the horror arthouse types, and although it has its brutal, bloodthirsty moments that will make you sit up and go WTF!, it does have its quieter sections, and believe it or not, laugh out loud scenes amidst the disturbing imagery.

An acquired taste, but a well made one at that!

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